Develop a Thirst for Knowledge

This is the 2nd of 7 steps in our Banish Dieting Forever Series and maybe the most critical step. This is the step that has allowed us to maintain our figures year after year without crazy diets and deprivation.  Imagine feeling free when it comes to food. Here is the building block that creates the foundation for that freedom everyone craves when it comes to food and not being enslaved to it.

Understanding the science behind nutrition, ingredients and the human body is a very powerful tool.  Most people go on diets to lose weight but never learn why it works therefore they don’t keep the weight off, they are constantly on a yo-yo with dieting and it is truly miserable. 

 We gained this knowledge through self-education. Reading Books, Watching Documentaries, You-tube videos and Podcasts.  When you become a student of food and the human body – you will gain so much clarity on why you have been struggling to keep the weight off, you will feel empowered about what you will eat and what you won’t eat because you will really understand the why behind it and it will motivate you to make different decisions with your diet. You won’t just be doing it ‘because’ someone said to. 

Research and model others

Modeling others is a success tip of the elite. Modeling is a powerful way to accomplish any goal. 

Success Leaves Clues
If you do what successful people do you can have what successful people have

If you do what successful people do you can have what successful people have

What do these people eat? What is their exercise regimen? What books have they read on food? Podcasts? Documentaries. Get curious – you will gain powerful insight for yourself, understand that your struggles are normal and have confidence that you can do it too.  

 Being knowledgeable will create a new self awareness, and cause you to make new decisions with your food thus giving you new results. You can get off the roller coaster of dieting, love your body and feel joy and abundance around food. You can read our blog post on the anti-diet diet to find what we eat and why.

 All of this creates discipline…YOU CAN DO IT!!