What if you could banish dieting and body drama forever?!  We have put together a 7 part series to teach you how to never diet again.  Incorporating these 7 things into your health masterplan will have you loving your body and living a lifestyle free of diets and deprivation.


We’ve tried every diet under the sun….and I mean every diet,….some we love and some we hate

Diets work until they don’t ~ Kelly LeVeque

Kelly LeVeque, holistic nutritionist and celebrity health coach, said this quote in her book called Body Love and we couldn’t agree with her more. Diets work for a while, and sometimes you can feel really good, but there are many reasons why we don’t like the idea of ‘dieting.’ Here is why:

Abundance vs Scarcity

Dieting can create a mindset of lack and scarcity, singling out foods an drinks that you canNOT have. There is a negative stigma that comes with the idea of (and the word) dieting. We want to help you change this conversation and focus on dieting as a way to attract goodness to you and working towards achieving the body and health goals that you desire. 

What we don’t like about diets:

  • Abundance vs. Lack, Scarcity breeds more scarcity

  • Do not eat lists – counterintuitive to the Law of Attraction

  • Dieting takes a stronghold over your mind, mostly self-defeating. 

  • It’s not practical to sustain as a lifestyle and it gets old quick

  • Impedes on social and family relationships

  • Holds you back from being able to enjoy life fully

If you’re caught up in a diet mindset, how do you get rid of it?

  • Be aware when you’re falling into the trap

  • Focus on long-term sustainable goals – write them down

  • Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full….eat slowly, chew well

  • When you get off track, don’t freak out and spur up negative self- talk….simply refocus on getting key ingredients in your next meal, and make adjustments

When it comes to food, focus on what you can eat, not what you can’t eat. When you shift your focus you will find an abundance of foods that bring you joy and fulfillment and allow you to get off the diet roller coaster and live life in your best body

Next up Step 2 – Develop a thirst for knowledge

Watch our The Anti Diet Video from our Pop up Fit Clinic
